Happy Diwali

Diwali is here,
With its happiness and gloom…

The streets are covered with lights,
Happiness is covering the minds,

Cleanliness drives are over now,
It’s time to enjoy the festive show…

The diwali vibes are so different,
From every other festival I have seen,
The blooming lights, the sparkling diyas, and those crackers in the sky!

The eve of worship, the days of positivity,
The night of lights, the aroma of sweets,
And the bunches of gifts!
(Um! I never received gifts on Diwali, but I guess they can’t diminish Diwali charm)

Everything just seems perfect…

2020 has been a tough year for almost all,
Some lost their jobs,
Some lost their hopes,
I just hope Diwali will compensate all your loses and bring back that smile…

Happiest Diwali everyone!
Let’s this Diwali ignite your soul first and spread its warmth around you!


The imaginations we make
Each and every day,
Those beautiful sights
That come into our eyes,
And Those haunting vibes
We feel sometimes…

Few in day time and lot more in nights,
Even when we asleep,
Our dreams never die,
Some are good,
Some are bad,
Some gives happiness,
Some gives feeling of distress …

But one common thing is,
We all dream
We all fill our empty sky
With our own colors
With our own lights…

Dream which gives you joy,
Dream which make you smile…

Once a great person said,
“Dream is something which doesn’t let you sleep”
But I tried
Dreaming of sleeping bit more today…

Sometimes I feel that we all put so many restrictions on our dreams, the dreams should make parents proud, the dream should be big, the dream this n that…. Just dream the things which gives you joy.

Let’s be better us…

You don’t need a better world,
The world needs a better you!

Somewhere in our life,
We always thought this at least one time,
That ” we didn’t belong to this world”
We want Kinder Humans,
Healthy planet,
More of Love…

But Give it a thought!
How’s it, if we all take a pledge
To be a bit better for the better world…

To not judge everyone we meet,
To know how to respect n greet,
To know the sustainable development,
To be more lovable!

To build wider thoughts,
To not hate the ones you cross,
To build a peaceful sky,
To make your ways to fly…

To be a better human in life!

So Let’s Be Better Us,
To solve the problems of the world!

Take a second to smile…

Take a second to smile… 

In this time of the Pandemic, almost each of us is stressed. The numbers of COVID cases are increasing rapidly and so does our anxiety and depression. For each of us, our problem is the most serious one. Some are jobless, some are not well, some are thriving for a day meal while some are becoming family less due to this corona outbreak. I believe that all losses matter most to the holder of the loss. 

I just like to say You are STRONG and YES you can thrive in extremes of life. You are god fitest life and you will survive this high time.  

So take a second from your busy schedule and just SMILE. I will not say forgot your worries, laugh at your vibes, NO these all are lies. I am saying just to smile once, on the thought that yes you have walked till here and you are still in the race. I believe one day you will cross the winning line because bad times will soon pass by. 

Four years back, I got so many negative comments on my video, that I am good for nothing. That time I was crying so high, at that moment someone said to me, “ Take a sec and just smile” 

That surely didn’t solve my problem but that gives me a sigh of relief , I didn’t know how! 

I want to pass the same to everyone in my life.  

We all will survive this high time. 


It’s good to enjoy your own vibes,
It’s ok to leave messages unreplied,
It’s not bad to turn off your phone,
It’s not a crime to be alone…

It’s amazing to adore your own life,
To sip a cup of coffee and see the rise,

To eat a whole pizza on your own,
To dance madly on favourite songs,

To take a nap for so long,
To dream the things you never thought,

It’s ok to surround by your own,
It’s great to shine on your own.

Until my next sometime…….

#poetry #love #selflove

Be a reason someone believes in love

What’s love?

A word full of affection and pleasure,
A feeling which is inexpressable,
A phase we often adore,
A person we wish for lifelong….

The phase could be for days, months or years ,
But you are lucky if you persist it beyond all fears….

The dim lights,
The sparkling vibes,
The caring touch,
The beautiful words,
The loving souls,
The forgotten flaws,
Sounds nice!
But it is much more than this,
There are fights too,
But there is no hateness behind it,
There are argues too,
But no egos overlying,
There are phases of dark,
But the light after that has a different spark…

Whatever be the situation never fake a love,
Never break a trust,
Never lie the words…

In today’s world where heart breaks are more often than the beautiful dates,
Be a reason someone believes in love,
Be a reason someone rely on the words,
Be a reason someone didn’t fear to love…

Love! Love your family,
Love your soulmate,
Love your friends too,
But never say fake, “I Love you too!”

A monster wrapped up in sweet coat.

She spent her childhood in your lap,
You’re dreaming of fucking her in your nap…

She was bud who trusted you blindly,
Maybe bcoz you’re family and talking nicely,
She was unaware of your evil thoughts,
She was unaware of something wrong…

She wasn’t able to read your dirty mind,
Which was wrapped up in sweet chocolates and toys…

Her parents thought she is too small,
For sharing sex education at all,
For letting her know what’s,
a good touch and bad touch meant in this evil world…

The day you put your hand inside her skirt,
The day you kiss her with full of lust,
The day you uses her as toy,
The day you became a monster, Boy!

When you were breaking her virginity,
By saying it’s a game you will like it,
You’re indirectly breaking her trust,
Her mind, her heart,
For trusting anyone in the world…

She’s a grown up now,
Still she is too scared to share it now,
You haunt her with your dirty tricks,
She is silent to keep her family clean…

You broke her like a glass,
Remember one day she will break you too,
The God is here to return your sins.
You monster ! You Evil!

Around 93% children sexually abused by their known ones.

Suicide…. Should never a choice

A word which is full of fear,
A thought that often appears,
An action which is full of strength,
But Result is full of tears…

We don’t tell, even don’t pretend,
But It almost crosses every mind in whole lifetime…

It came when the things go down,
When we almost lost our soul,
When we failed an exam,
When someone broke us apart,
Maybe when you lost your job,
Or when the things in your family went wrong…

Here self love plays an important role,
It pulls you up from the sorrow filled hole,
It helps us to kill the Evil suicide thoughts…

So don’t be so harsh on our life,
God is here to protect every single life,
Remember you matter every single time,
And there is sunlight after every night,
You have the strength,
To combat with your tough time…

Just believe in yourself today,
And you will be great tomorrow…

Even Seeds overcome extreme situations by  going into dormancy not by dying❤

According to WHO,  ONE person die due to suicide every 40 seconds.


Help us to feed their needs, Might god will return your good deeds…

They are poor, helpless, jobless, struggling to gain a one day meal…

You are looking to find solace, find peace and fun in this coronocrisis , They are struggling to find a slightly filled plate,

They are struggling to find a way, to find an earning, to find a hopeful ray…

This covid outbreak is affecting us all, But it is a tunnel of death for helpless prey.

Let’s come together to help in good cause, They are helpless, but We’re not.

For donations, click here https://milaap.org/fundraisers/support-sakonsa

Rs. 50/- for one day meal

Rs. 250/- for one week meal.

Everything is new…

Everything is new, once in the life… Everything we tried, was once our first time …

The things once we cried for, are just the bits now that fly off…

Even the people we rely on, are just the names to find on…

This is the life keep finding new and be excited it about too… But until the next new…